Two Inline Buttons


( Affiliated to CBSE )

Rules & Regulations

The Final external examination certificates of a student should be collected from the school personally by the parents and not by any other person.

There will be no local guardian nominated for any student. Only for those living abroad, a guardian has to be a blood relation and should be authorized by the parent, to interact with the school and the student.  The school reserves its right to reject a guardian.

Parents must come in person to collect their ward/s for mid term break and vacations.

Tucks, eatables, chewing gums, perfumes, gel, electronic items and costly items are banned in the school. Such things will be confiscated from the student and in addition, the students will be suitably punished. The items confiscated will not be returned to the parents or to the students. Although there is no provision for tuck shop, the school arranges to provide children with all their requirements.