Guru Purnima Celebration

Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.said-“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” Teacher imparts the education hence the role of the teacher is of paramount importance to present and future of a student.
To honour the teachers, a function was organized in the school on the occasion of Guru Purnima on 27th July 2018 with intense zeal and zest. The initiative for the arrangement of the function was taken by the teachers of our school. The program was hosted by the students of secondary section. The celebration had a graceful presence of honorable chairperson Dr.Dasharathbhai Patel and special guests Mr. and Mrs. K.A.Shyam, felicitation done by honorable principal Mrs.Jincy Anandan. Inspirational speech delivered by principal mam to welcome the guests, described the significance of guru and metamorphosis of the student -teacher relationship over the years. Our chairperson honoured the principal mam and all the teachers of Tapovan family.
The function began with a happy note with students singing the Guru Stuti and aarti, followed by a beautiful speech highlighted the necessity of teachers. In the program there were various songs and dances performed by the students dedicated to the teachers. A beautiful skit based on real life of Helen Keller was presented by the students highlighting the Guru’s role in shaping the students’ life. We were honored to have encouraging speech by the chief guest, praised our principal for her hard work and dedication towards the school and bringing the school to such a great height. An awesome painting was made by Santanu Dinda on a musical note.
The program was ended with a Vote of thanks by Ms. Punam Kumari. The function was concluded with gaiety all around.