Teacher’s Day Celebration

A good teacher is like a candle-it consumes itself to light the way for others.
A grand celebration was organized by the Students’ Council of TIS on the occasion of Teacher’s Day. The program was begun with a prayer by the teachers, which was followed by a speech by Ms. Neha Rawat of Std. 12th and the news headlines by Mrs. Vinita Pathak. After that eye- catching dances were performed by the students. Some interesting games were also there in which the teachers participated with great enthusiasm. Our Honourable Principal Mrs. Jincy Anandan gave an inspirational speech by citing the importance of the day and congratulating the students for their great endeavour. The celebration was concluded with Vote of Thanks by Ms.Induja Sharma of Std.12th and National Anthem. The young promising teachers did not forget to take a lovely photo with their ever-loving Principal. After giving rest to the teachers, the so called student – teachers took over the day’s control. As they were free from duties, the teachers spent the whole day with hot discussions and playing some amusing games. The day was over by receiving beautiful gifts from the Honourable Principal Ma’am.